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The Beamclub
2016-09-24 15:52:45

2015-06-15 11:34:53
Screened at the EYE film Institute, Amsterdam. 26th of may. Part of 'EYE on ART' & 'RESEARCHLAB'.

2015-06-15 11:31:23
'The Last Supper' a Luciënne Venner Performance. This is a documentation of the live performance.
2015-01-17 22:26:29
Lacune - Live installation

2014-07-17 01:56:19
SLEEPWALKER : A documentation of my graduation project at Rietveld 2012. SOUND AND THE INFLUENCE OF SOUND ON THE HUMAN BODY Read thesis here: gerritrietveldacademie.nl/graduation2012/Scripties/_VAV/D_Nolten.pdf For my endexam installation, I build a stage, using cymatics on the stage (4x2) with very big speakers underneath that vibrate the ultrasonic and subsonic soundwaves through “you”. I want to make you feel something in a room, touch you in the same way a musical piece would, but then without the sound. You interpreted the sound by visuals and feelings (body and eyes ) instead of ears. If this will work, This will be proof that our bodies ‘hear’ too. And vibrations are not just soundwaves, but it goes way beyond our senses. (see thesis)

2014-07-17 01:54:46
LEES JE BIJBEL This is a (childs) Bible, with all the positive words cut out with a knife, so the only words left are negative, put all together by the framework, gives a nice 'view' of literally what happens when you make your own truth from what is already given. This has been shown 23rd of December 2011 as part of my Exhibition at the Van Gogh Museum Fridaynights program, part of the theme "Religion" Shown together with my Installation Women and Religion. by Cesium

2014-07-17 01:53:47
WOMEN AND RELIGION This is a Total view (not the actual work) of my installation -Women and religion-. It is actually shown on 3 different tv's and the sound comes from 3 different sides, you as a viewer are becoming part of the installation, but this movie gives you a small preview/indication of how it looked… it is about saying the same things but not listening to others, so that eventually it becomes 'white noise' The women say the word 'women' at the same time, to show that they are in fact trying to say the same thing… This has been shown 23rd of December 2011 as part of my Exhibition at the Van Gogh Museum Fridaynights program, part of the theme "Religion" Shown together with my version of the 'Bible' (see other movie*) by Cesium

2014-07-14 11:29:15
Trailer - Exopterygota

2014-06-27 11:48:49
forest and the hairy chest

2014-06-19 09:50:53
single channel (16 : 9), HD minidv video on DVD, no sound, 26 sec, 2012

2014-06-19 09:48:29
'The space is empty with everything; the people wander around; the procession just started. While inside of the church, in an opening night, the public will meander around the spaces with almost no goal. The surrounding art, the atmosphere, the wine and the background noise mingles with your own thoughts. Suddenly you realise that someone is your companion, is following you; it is your shade - the acolyte.'
2014-05-27 22:30:37
2014-02-05 09:43:27
The big VAV space transformed into a presentation room. We showed videos and installations.