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The Beamclub

2016-12-29 17:04:40
for this Design project, I considered my alter-ego as a collector of information from the others, from the outside. clothing pieces which result as a mixture/contamination/collage of information being collected from the outside, surrounding environment.
most of the materials applied are bureau æsthetics/interior decoration ones.

2016-11-29 15:03:53
2016-11-09 00:25:23
3D scanned image on paper, A1
2016-10-23 16:19:58
Installation view 02.04.2016

2015-09-03 17:52:03
2015-09-03 17:51:07
2015-09-01 22:10:07
2014-10-08 08:27:29
'WORDPLAY' : Brno Design Biennial 2014

2014-05-25 21:09:04
Fishli and Vice
2014-05-21 11:56:12

2014-05-06 15:03:44