DOGtime IDUM (part-time)
Once you have successfully completed the two DOGtime Basic Years, you can choose the specialisation DOGtime IDUM (Interaction Design Unstable Media), in which you will be trained as an interactive designer. This means that you will be trained as a designer of contexts in the form of language, images and behaviour. IDUM brings together various disciplines: graphic design, communication, audio-visual and interaction design. After graduation you may use the title Bachelor of Arts and Design (BFA + BDes).

See also
The study programme positions itself on the cutting edge between applied interaction design and a more autonomous form of working with interactive, unstable media. You will learn to be a keen observer who develops his/her vision and is able to convert it into a communicative product. In this specialisation students learn to become multidisciplinary designers, with graduates finding work as designers in both the public and the private domain. The term Unstable Media refers to the recent development that the media ensure that no cultural, social or political context can be captured unequivocally any longer. Both the work and its operation are considered perpetually unstable. Within the study programme students are given the opportunity to use the ‘unstable’ orientation of the media landscape in this context to experiment with communication and interaction and inter-reaction processes, generate networks and study new uses of communication, commerce, old-new media and autonomous visual work.
Courses offered
Subjects include sensor-driven applications, image, audio and movement, processing, new media and unstable media theory, and interaction and inter-reaction design, internet studies.
Invitation Dogtime Graduation 2011
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interaction design - unstable media

Study structure
First specialisation year
In this year the emphasis is on research in experimental communication, interaction design, learning technical skills (processing, image, audio and sensor programmes), concept and image development and media theory.
Second specialisation year
In this second specialisation year, the emphasis is on research in experimental communication, commercial and social hacks and streaming, commercial procedures and interfaces, interaction design, project and concept development, technical skills, development of an autonomous portfolio and concept and image code development. There are also lectures by guest lecturers.
Third specialisation year
This year is the final examination year. The focus in this year is on developing your own work as well as your final examination thesis. You will receive intensive individual supervision by your own teachers and there will be guest lecturers from the cultural field. During this year there will be an excursion abroad. At the end of this year there will be and end exam show that is open to the public.
DOGtime IDUM students regularly organise projects and group exhibitions or participate in prominent new media festivals. There is also an excursion to an important art centre outside Europe every year. DOGtime also takes part in academy-wide projects like the annual Open Day and Final Examination Exhibition and Rietveld UnCut.
During DOGtime IDUM, the theory classes serve as a specialist addition to the research conducted. Visiting important exhibitions and developing an artist’s statement are compulsory. Visiting lectures of the Studium Generale is optional. The Studium Generale provides a general theoretical context concerning current themes in the contemporary international art world. The Studium Generale program brings in prominent speakers from the Netherlands and abroad to give lectures. For more information, see Studium Generale
Work placement and exchange
Work placements and exchanges are possible within the DOGtime IDUM programme, but only in consultation with lecturers.
Students 2nd year (DOGtime 4 IDUM)