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De Beamclub
2013-05-14 11:00:09
2012-10-09 15:18:39
Kute Korrespondences October 7th 2012 05.00 - 07.00 pm
2012-09-08 22:56:33
In the link below you will find a snippet of the artistic research publication I am currently preparing in the Rietveld studio at the Tweede Nassaustraat in Amsterdam (GRA Award Residency). The research revolves around some of the main themes and symbols that animate one of my favorite American novels: The Crying of Lot 49 (1966) by Thomas Pynchon.
2012-09-25 10:47:03
De Tweede Nassau ateliers, een voormalig schoolgebouw, biedt werkplekken aan meer dan 30 kunstenaars en ontwerpers uit diverse disciplines, van verschillende generaties.
Tweede Nassaustraat 8, Amsterdam
2012-06-13 15:54:06
2012-01-25 14:56:45
Wired to Connect by Marjolein Hessels. 5 february 2012 at 16:00