Sandberg Instituut
Het Sandberg Instituut, de master opleiding van de Gerrit Rietveld Academie, biedt masters aan in Fine Arts (MFA), Interior Architecture (MIA) en Design (MDes).
Vaste afdelingen:
Fine Arts
Dirty Art Department
Studio for Immediate Spaces
Critical Studies
Tijdelijke programma’s:
Master of Voice
Reinventing Daily Life
Materialisation in Art and Design
Fashion Matters
Cure Master
Designing Democracy
System D Academy
School of Missing Studies
Material Utopias
Studio Vacant NL
Het Sandberg Instituut bevindt zich op Overschiestraat 188, Amsterdam.
Voor overige vragen, neem contact op met Nancy van Vooren via nancy[at]
Graduation Show Sandberg Instituut 16-19 juni
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Sandberg Instituut presenteert de graduates van 2016 op 16, 17, 18 en 19 juni op verschillende locaties in Amsterdam. Ga voor meer informatie over openingstijden en locaties naar
Call for applications Sandberg Instituut - Master of Voice
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Master of Voice - a take on the renowned trademark His Master's Voice - is a temporary Master's programme examining the voice as a unique discipline. The focus is on the human voice as a means to or an end in itself, within artistic practice. The course is intended for students who want to work with the/their voice; for those who want to explore the voice in its various social, cultural and technological appearances - from vocal speech to 'the speech act' to singing. The Master of Voice includes a special orientation on gender and technology.
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Het Sandberg Instituut is de master opleiding van de Rietveld Academie. Op donderdag 4 februari kun je je verdiepen in de masters tijdens de Open Dag aan de Overschiestraat 188 in Amsterdam. Meer informatie vind je op de website van het Sandberg Instituut.
Sandberg Instituut Graduation Show, 18-21 juni
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Van 18 t/m 21 presenteert het Sandberg Instituut het werk van de afstuderende masterstudenten van dit jaar. De opening van de show is op donderdag 18 juni, van 15.00-21.00 uur in het Burgerweeshuis te Amsterdam.
Voor meer informatie, kijk op

Open Call voor The One Minutes
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The One Minutes is een organisatie die artiesten uitnodigt om 1 minuut durende videos in te zenden. Deze videos worden gepubliceerd in series die worden samengesteld door verschillende curatoren. Twintig musea en culturele plekken over de hele wereld hebben zich aangemeld en tonen de series binnen hun organisatie. The One Minutes wordt gepresenteerd door het Sandberg Instituut, Masters of Art and Design in Amsterdam.
We moedigen je aan om jouw videos in te zenden en deel te nemen aan het project.
Open Call: 'Tell me your dream. Make it succinct and make it spectacular.’
Gecureerd door Claire Hooper & Paul Simon Richards
Deadline 1 juli 2015
Informatie over deelname
Call for applications Sandberg Instituut 2015
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The Sandberg Instituut, Gerrit Rietveld Academie's postgraduate department, launches two new temporary Master’s programmes in September 2015. Fashion Matters and Materialisation in Art and Design (MAD). Permanent departments include Critical Studies, Design, Dirty Art Department, Fine Arts and Studio for Immediate Spaces.
All programmes are now open for application. The application deadline is April 1st 2015.
More information about all Master's degrees
Go to online application
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Thursday February 5, 2:00–7:00 PM
Fred. Roeskestraat 98, Amsterdam
You are kindly invited to visit the Sandberg Instituut for our open day where our new temporary Master's programmes introduce themselves. The current temporary programmes give an update on their progress and the permanent departments show their most recent projects. There will be guided tours, performances, fresh espresso and new friends.
Visit the Sandberg Instituut website
Facebook page Sandberg Instituut
Open Dag Sandberg Instituut 2015
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Bezoek voor meer informatie over de Open Dag de website van het Sandberg Instituut.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over het Sandberg Instituut.
Call For Admission Sandberg Instituut
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For more information visit the Sandberg Instituut Website
Sandberg Instituut OPEN DAG
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February 7 2013 from 14.00 – 20.00 hrs.
Application is open from January 1 - closing April 1 2013
Main Programmes
Fine Arts (MFA);
Course director: Krist Gruijthuijsen - tutors: Nicoline van Harskamp, Raimundas Malašauskas, Jason Dodge – The programme retains its focus on the notions of autonomy and creation, while addressing the social and economical roles and implications of these traditional parameters of art production. The programme is structured around modules exploring the realms of language, image, object, performance and representation.
Design / Think Tank for visual strategies (MDes);
Course director: Annelys de Vet - tutors: Nina Folkersma, Jan-Kees van Kampen, Dimitri NIeuwenhuizen, Rob Schröder, Daniel van der Velden - The department functions as a cultural think tank for visual strategies. Students commit themselves to various cultural, social and political research based visual projects, putting together their own programme with an open curriculum and creating hybrid forms of communication that draw on their skills as writers, editors, visualizers, programmers, conceptualizers and designers.
Applied Arts / Dirty Art Department (MDes);
Course directors: Jerszy Seymour and Catherine Geel - tutors: Clemence Seilles, Stephane Barbier Bouvet - This programme provides an open space for all possible thought, creation and action. Acting as a designer is seen as a dynamic paradox, flowing between the pure and applied, the existential and deterministic, and the holy and profane. It explores the relationship between the built and natural world, between the collective and the individual. The programme is open to designers, artists, bankers, sceptics, optimists, philosophers, thinkers, farmers, anarchists…anyone with an inquiring mind.
Interior Architecture / Studio for Immediate Spaces (MIA);
Course director: Anne Holtrop - tutors: Bas Princen, Jan de Vylder, Inge Vinck, Jo Taillieu, John Lonsdale, Sophie Krier, Lucy Cotter, Tom Vandeputte - This programme welcomes all those who are eager to experiment and explore the spaces around us, to examine how these are made up, what they consist of and how people use and relate to them. The course is open to students with a Bachelor’s degree in Design, Interior Design / Spatial Design or Architecture or in related fields, as is anyone that can show comparable work experience.
Two new temporary Master programmes will focus on urgent questions in art, design and society… please check our website for the latest information. We anticipate to open the programmes for application mid-January 2013!
Material Utopias (MFA);
Course director: Louise Schouwenberg - tutors: Folkert de Jong, Jens Pfeifer, Bastienne Kramer - The programme aims to exploit the making process to the fullest. Experimentation with both traditional and new materials, and reflection on their characteristics and inherent meanings, will play a major role. The student is expected to possess highly developed craft skills in working with a specific material, and the openness to expand and push its borders, as well as develop expertise with new materials and media.
Art and Learning / School of Missing Studies (MFA);
course directors: Bik van der Pol - “While public space is being transformed beyond recognition, art education has never been so close to, yet so far away from cultural production. Education has fallen behind, as political and economical forces have come to shape the perception of culture. Education and learning need to reclaim space, as they are means to participate in politics, creating forms of political socialization”. (MIA);
Our first temporary programme on vacancy in buildings and public space will end in the summer of 2013. Course directors Eric and Ronald Rietveld will then present the results in a publication.
Sandberg Instituut - Master programmes of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie
Fred. Roeskestraat 98, 1076 ED, Amsterdam (+)31 20 5882410
To obtain further info and online application, check the latest updates on programmes:
Open Dag Sandberg Instituut 16/2/2012
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Het Sandberg Instituut verzorgt de master opleidingen van de Gerrit Rietveld Academie:
Fine Arts Applied Arts Design Interior Architecture Vacant NL
Open Dag: 16 februari 2012
meer informatie:
Kunstvlaai 2012
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De Kunstvlaai is een multidisciplinair festival dat sinds de oprichting in 1997 de grootste presentatie van experimentele en niet-commerciele kunst is. De 2012 editie kenmerkt zich door een nieuwe locatie en participatie van internationale kunstenaars vanuit de hele wereld. De Kunstvlaai is een initiatief van het Sandberg Instituut. Meer info:
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The Last Pictures ( i.c.w. Creative Time)
22 October 2012, 19.30
Trevor Paglen (born in 1974), US) is an American artist and geographer.
He is the author of three books including Torture Taxi (co-authored with investigative journalist A.C. Thompson), which was the first book to comprehensively describe the CIA extraordinary rendition program and I Could Tell You But Then You Would Have To Be Destroyed By Me, which takes a look at the world of black projects through unit patches and memorabilia created for top-secret programs. In late 2012, Creative Time is launching a golden disc of images created by the artist into outer space attached to communications satellite EchoStar XVI. Audiences on Earth can experience the project, entitled The Last Pictures, through a book co-published by Creative Time Books and University of California Press, as well as through public programs and events exploring this innovative public artwork.
Paglen holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from the School for the Art Institute of Chicago and a PhD in geography from the University of California at Berkeley, where he currently works as a researcher.
Location: Goethe-Institut, Herengracht 470, Amsterdam Entrance: 5 euro or 3 Euro (concession)
Please contact or call +31 20 5312900 for reservations.
For more information:
‘The Sandberg series’ is an ongoing lecture series initiated by the new Master of Fine Arts program of the Sandberg Institute in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut, Amsterdam. The series directly correspond with the new structure of the program, which explores the idea of ‘autonomy’ and ‘making’ while simultaneously addressing the social and economical roles and implications of these traditional parameters of art production. The program is structured around custom modules that investigate the realms of language, image, object and performance production and representation. The third in the lecture series includes presentations by Trevor Paglen, Tim Etchells, Joachim Koester and Sissel Toolas.
Eindexamenpresentatie masterstudenten Sandberg Instituut
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11 tot en met 15 juli
Van woensdag 11 tot en met zondag 15 juli 2012 tonen op verschillende plekken in Amsterdam studenten van het Sandberg Instituut hun eindexamenpresentaties aan het publiek.
Het Sandberg Instituut verzorgt de Masteropleidingen van de Gerrit Rietveld Academie. De presentaties vinden onder meer plaats in het oude Filmmuseum in het Vondelpark, ARCAM, VU Hortus, Galerie Fons Welters, SMBA, W139, de Apple Arts Centre en de Servicegarage.
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Sandberg Instituut winnaar 'BE OPEN Inside the Academy' priis 2012
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12 juni 2012 Persbericht
Sandberg Instituut is winnaar van de 'BE OPEN Inside the Academy' prijs 2012
tijdens Design Miami / Basel Zwitserland
Een jury van internationale design experts beoordeelde projecten van de volgende geselecteerde instituten: Le Cambre, België; Ecole Cantonale d'Art de Lausanne (ECAL), Zwitserland; Hochschule Basel, Zwitserland; Konstfack, Stockholm, Zweden; Glasgow Fine Art School, Glasgow, Engeland en Sandberg Instituut Amsterdam, Nederland. Deze instellingen werd gevraagd om drie projecten te presenteren die in het bijzonder bij haar benadering van Design en de educatieve missie passen.
De jury koos het Sandberg Instituut om de BE OPEN Inside the Academy prijs in ontvangst te nemen. De prijs is een waardering van Design opleidingen die ‘design-thinking’ aanwenden om een effect op de toekomst te maken. Het Sandberg Instituut beschikt over een eigen benadering ten aanzien van ‘design-thinking’ en heeft een interessante strategie om volgende generaties ontwerpers succesvol voor te bereiden om te slagen in deze steeds veranderende mondiale omgeving.
De prijs stelt de winnende instelling in staat om een reeks lezingen van vooraanstaande gastdocenten te organiseren en beoogt daarmee de ontwikkeling van de onderwijsprogramma’s verder te bevorderen.
juryleden 2012
Gilda Bojardi, Design journalist, hoofdredacteur van Interni Ron Arad, ontwerper en architect Daniel Charny, curator en leraar Felix Burrichter, schrijver en creative director Pin-Up Magazine Johanna Agerman Ross, Editor-in-Chief van het design magazine Disegno
Datum: 12 -17 juni, 2012
Locatie: Design Miami / Basel
Hal 5, Mezzanine Level, Booth X03
Messe Basel, Zwitserland
With Mankind!
2016-03-23 14:44:10
2013-06-19 10:17:11
2013-06-19 10:11:42
Invitation Graduation Shows 2013 for updates, check: Graduation Blog 2013