
Rietveld Uncut at the Brakke Grond during ARE YOU ALIVE OR NOT? Looking at ART through the lens of THEATRE.

What is Rietveld Uncut? Find out!

Ask the Oracle - Ceramics…

Football - Fashion

Subject or Object Performance …

Rode Zaal Exhibition overview

Readymade Dialogue Piece - And…

Break-even - PheD & Jorik Amit…

Spilling one space into anothe…

beholder. [...]
, Hedvig Koert…

@ ( ) # with Emilio Martinez a…

**E.X.T.R.A.** - Jewellery

Convicted object - Jenela Kost…

Once upon a place... - Flurina…

Anagnorisis - Photography

Low tide - Anja Petersen

Object Oriental Opera - DOGtim…

Once upon a place... - Flurina…

I Had It, But It's All Gone No…

As I watch you suffering - Mar…

**E.X.T.R.A.** - Jewellery

Ask the Oracle - Ceramics

Textile Documentation - Teuntj…

Haptic inter-active furniture …

Haptic inter-active furniture …

Pseudomorph (false body) - Did…

'Act 1, Seppuku' - Francesca B…

Unlimited possibilities – desi…

Performance by Inge van Genuch…

Once upon a place... - Flurina…

Anagnorisis - Photography

Unlimited possibilities – desi…

Unlimited possibilities – desi…

Audience looking at Firs…

Everywhere in the name of The …

Facing the apple tree - Nicola…

Ask the Oracle - Ceramics