
Inter-Architecture: International excursion to the Bauhaus October 2015, Germany

International excursion to the Bauhaus October 2015, Germany.

Throughout the entire study course the department organises several excursions, varying in duration and scope. The department strives to organise a weeklong trip to a foreign country once a year in order to visit international objects, activities, architecture, landscape and urban planning. This year we will visit the Bauhaus in Germany. The underlying idea of the Bauhaus, which was formulated by Walter Gropius, was to create a new unity of crafts, art and technology. The intention was to offer the right environment for the realisation of the Gesamtkunstwerk (total work of art). To this end, promising artists were to be taught in a school with an interdisciplinary and international orientation. The Bauhaus curriculum therefore offered a unique combination of research, teaching and practice that was unequalled by rival academies and schools of applied art. The Gerrit Rietveld Academie are based on the ideas of the Bauhaus and therefore, and of course for much more, we think it is a great opportunity to have more insights in world of the Bauhaus philosophy. Excursions are (for the most part) prepared by the students themselves. This applies both to the logistical organisation as well as the content. The excursion guide, which contains an overview of the program and background information about the projects which will be visited is made by and for the students. Collaboration with other departments within the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and other organisations will take place if there is added value and logistically feasible. The collection and selection of history and knowledge of art, spatial design and architecture, and processing this into a legible guide. Collaboration in terms of logistics. Learning to sketch.