Travelling Academy
To be accepted to the Rietveld Academie a student is expected to have an open mentality, to be capable of critical self-reflection and to possess a willingness to exchange ideas. The academy aims to further develop these abilities, constantly trying to question the way things are. In order to stimulate this mental flexibility, the academy regards excursions as a vital part of the education. To travel together to another environment forces the student to relate in new ways to each other and their surroundings. The experiences they undergo will change their point of view and can be an impulse to work differently.
The Travelling Academy is a pilot project to place a larger group of students together in a new and unfamiliar environment where they have to work together. Instead of being passive tourists, subjected to easy consumption, the academy thinks this way of active travelling will create new productivity.
Foundation year travels
Every year when studies have just begun the Foundation Year goes on an excursion abroad. This is an important aspect of the program and is intended to share knowledge with each other and to strengthen the group cohesion. The excursion is part of the theory program and students are prepared by the teachers by means of lectures and films. The destination of the the excursion is always determined by the combination it offers of both old and new art.
Ceramics and designLab in China '10
In September 2010 the Ceramics department and Designlab went to China for a working period. Although the departments had their own programs students were able to attend the program elements of both departments during their joint stay at Jingdezhen, to stimulate the mutual exchange between the departments. Below the Ceramics department and Desinglab themselves present a short summery of their stay in China.
Study trip Ceramics China
From September 20th till November 1st 2010 the ceramics department stayed in Jingdezhen, China. Temporarily the entire department, including students, workshopkeepers and teachers, moved to the other side of the world to study the ceramic traditions in the country where ceramics originated. During their stay students worked in the Sculpture Factory, an area where several workshops within the ceramic tradition are accommodated. In no time the students moved independently through the area from modelmaker to castmaker and from the guy who poured the porselain to the person making the glaces. Local students voluntarily acted as translaters in the work process. The workingperiod of a month was just long enough to go through the entire ceramic process from model to cast, pouring, glacing and heating. The exchange was concluded with a nine-day stay in Beijing.
All works made by Rietveld students were shipped to the Netherlands and will be exhibited in an exposition held at ‘De Nederlandsche Bank’ in the spring of 2011.
DOGtime Mexico 2013
Intensive life/art-research should take place in cosmopolitan cities, as remote as possible from where we live and work. In this new “No man’s land” the perceptual 'mobile' will go through different stages of reality checks and realignments from feeling confused up to alarmingly clear and sharp. Inhale the new air and distinguish the different scents. See and define the new hierarchies of colours and shapes. Interactions with the locals are important and should not be avoided. Ask yourself “Who am I?” and “What does my work stand for?” Each year the graduating students of DOGtime visit an intercontinental metropolis.
March 2013, we went to Mexico City. It was an intensive week with meetings, visits, workshops and re- enactments. We met with artists such as Carlos Amorales and Raul Ortega. We visited the impressive Museo Antropologia and the equally overwhelming temple complex at Teotihuacán, the place where men become gods, amongst other things.
2012 New York
2011 Dubai & Singapore
2010 Rio & Brasilia
2009 Beijing
2008 New York
Study trip designLAB China
designLAb has been traveling through China for four weeks in September 2010.
This study trip included visiting the EXPO in Shanghai, the city of Hong Kong, Disneyland Hong Kong and a working period in Jingdezhen, the ceramics capital of China.
The students had the opportunity to work in a ceramics workshop on the commission to design a product for Pols Potten.
To work on this project, we temporarily relocated our department, the students and the teachers Anke Weiss and Bas van Beek (head of department), to Jingdezhen in order to study ceramic traditions and techniques.
Exchange Nepal '08
In February and March 2008 twenty students and 9 teachers of several departments worked in Nepal, during an exchange project NedNep with twenty students and teachers of the Kathmandu University, Centre for Art and Design.
Couples of Rietveld and Nepalese students were formed. In September 2008 five Nepalese students came to Amsterdam.
The NedNep project, started already in December 2007 with 'Invitation letters' can be seen at the former site of the Rietveld academy.
IN BETWEEN reports on the project NedNep and will be presentated at the 28th of January 2011
On the former site of the Rietveld:
exchange with Nepal
2013-03-26 14:05:20
Last week the DOGtime department went to Mexico. More documentation on this trip will follow.
For the site of the MUJAM Museum click here.
2011-11-23 09:09:34