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De Beamclub

2011-05-16 09:34:40
Liquid Music
is an installation by Cym. Sounds and circles appear when the user plays the keys on a keyboard.
More information about this work and an online version are here:
2011-05-16 09:20:38
Shuffle Squares
is a simple game by Cym. Click on a square next to the empty square to move it to the empty position.
You solve the game when you manage to put the squares into this order:
1|2|3 4|5|6 7|8|9You can play this game online (and download the code) at:
2011-05-16 08:44:02
Fragmented Wall - An installation by Cym
The fragmented wall is an installation by Cym.
It was part of the exhibition 'The Unthinkable Space' by DOGtime 4 ID-UM in April 2010.
An online reconstruction is available here:
More information about this work is available here:
2010-04-16 21:45:30
Registratie Marlon van der Pas en Henk Shakison.