RietveldTV is het maandelijkse TV programma van de Gerrit Rietveld Academie. Elke aflevering wordt uitgezonden op de Amsterdamse zender AT5 en is via Vimeo terug te kijken.
Voor elke aflevering werkt de Gerrit Rietveld Academie samen met alumni die 12 minuten eigen, vrije ruimte op TV krijgen.
De opdracht: power to the image. De alumni die meewerkten aan recente afleveringen:
December 2016 - Céline Manz
November 2016 - Trebelsee
October 2016 - Laura Bottin and Basile Monsacré
September 2016 - Anton Valens & Andre Chapatte
Juni 2016 - The Fashion Show 2016 door Jan Hoek & Duran Lantink
Mei 2016 - Jeroen Kooijmans
April 2016 - Bonno van Doorn
Maart 2016 - Charlotte Dumas
Februari 2016 - Christiaan Bastiaans
Januari 2016 - Jos Houweling
December 2015 - Melanie Bonajo
November 2015 - Maria Barnas
Oktober 2015 - Mie Frederikke Fisher Christensen & Margaux Parillaud
September 2015 - Hugo Rocci
Juli 2015 - Fashion Department - THE FASHION SHOW
Juni 2015 - Johannes Schwartz & The Fifty Pelicans
Mei 2015 - Broersen & Lukács
April 2015 - Francesca Buratelli
Maart 2015 - Adam Etmanski&Friends
Februari 2015 - Jan Dietvorst
Januari 2015 - Sema Bekirovic
December 2014 - Olfa Ben Ali
November 2014 - Waynehorse
Iedere laatste zaterdag en zondag van de maand om 22.40 uur is er een nieuwe aflevering van RietveldTV te zien op AT5.
Marieke Coppens, buro@rietveldacademie.nl

2015-03-10 15:38:56
A Dutchman talks with authority about the conceptions and customs of 'others'. It's the stereotypical contrast between 'us' and 'them'. Gradually the relationship appears to be less unambiguous; the protagonists are part of each other's mythology.
The Runaway is a flm by Jan Dietvorst.
With special thanks to Piet van Mensvoort, Roy Villevoye and Jeanine Albronda
Additional footage: Piet Kok
Creative director: Marieke Coppens
RietveldTV tune: Nathalie Bruys
RietveldTV is a Gerrit Rietveld Academie production
Thanks to Buro Rietveld and Public Rietveld
© 2015 Jan Dietvorst

2015-03-10 15:40:48
"Follow your dreams, big bad celebration of middle fingers"
Join us on that groovy ride, through an winded labyrinth of films&tunes. May contain flickering images, non-sense jokes and unexplainable puns.
Creative director: Marieke Coppens
RietveldTV tune: Nathalie Bruys
RietveldTV is a Gerrit Rietveld Academie production
Thanks to Buro Rietveld and Public Rietveld

2014-12-03 15:17:29
a new episode of TVRietveld will be broadcasted coming Saturday at 10:18PM at AT5
The idea of ‘Home’ is one that only be defined by distance, something that’s true both in space and in time. Our idea of a home might be nothing more than a cherished memory, and even though we always feel it flowing inside us, trying to define it is like catching a flame. In her first short, N’Etre, Olfa Ben Ali described her ‘’Childhood is like the air in a bubble of strawberry flavored bubble gum.”
With ‘’Sous les nuages des Rêves Désertiques, Olfa Ben Ali filmed the refugees, and their locations, from the 'we are here' action group over a two year period. In this poetic film she laces her personal history with the situation of every exile, while making the issue of current immigrants an universal question.
After these two shorts Olfa questions her role as an artist in the fabric of society and therefore she created an ‘avant garde’ online creative platform, StatelessTaste.com, for the refugees of the ‘we are here’ group to tell their own stories.

2014-05-06 09:22:50
Wester Buijsman
Jasmin Peco
Toru & Nora
Idan Hayosh
Jan Hoek
Tom Lore de Jong
Isabelle Wenzel

2014-04-27 23:58:03
This episode with:
Carina Erdmann
Jan Hoek
and Peter Takyi
2014-04-03 19:00:46
Carina Erdmann
Jan Hoek
Peter Takyi

2014-03-03 10:03:40
Verena Michels
Vere van Hal
Wester Buijsman
Film, Future branche
Made by Hugo Rocci