By specialising in Photography at the Rietveld Academie, you will be trained as an autonomous photographer. New imaging techniques using video, film and other media will be tested according to photographic traditions. In the Photography department of the Rietveld Academie, you will create autonomous conceptual work in which photography serves as a catalyst within the working process. Once graduated you may use the title Bachelor of Art & Design (BA).

See also
During the first phase of the programme, you will investigate the different techniques in connection with the development of your own solutions and vision. Attention will be paid to special techniques with regard to both old and new developments in photography. Your personal artistic development comes first, and during the programme you will learn to become a self-operating, innovative, conceptually thinking photographer. No single style or direction is taught within the department. What is important in the department, however, is to critique the medium in order to better understand it. In addition to the aesthetic and technical techniques available today, you will learn to think like a visual artist and to take a self-reflexive approach to the medium. Collective discussions and observations form an important part of the instruction.
Courses offered
Autonomous art photography, Visual research, Visual design, Image Manipulation, Technical skills, Workevaluations, Philosophy, Art History, Studium Generale.
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Eight cubic meters by Photography:
Jungmin Lee (South Korea, 1985)
September 16 – October 22 2016
'People nowadays are much more likely to leave their scenery when they feel attracted to a different one. A change of scenery impacts individuals in numerous ways. Jungmin Lee reconstructed the attitude of cultural assimilation in his own view while using methods of superimposing images, such as tulips and the coniferous greenery abundant in Dutch gardens.'
Eight Cubic Meters is a public exhibition space in the heart of Amsterdam.
Location: Sint Nicolaasstraat, Amsterdam (on the corner of HEMA Nieuwendijk)
Eight Cubic Meters is a Rietveld Academie project:
May 19th: again, anew, afresh, anon & once more
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STUDIO 47 is happy to welcome students of the Photography Department for a one-week residency and group show.
With works by
Tim Cullmann, 1989, DE
Tiziana Krüger, 1991, DE
Vytautas Kumža, 1992, LT
Nikola Lamburov, 1991, BG
Mathias Tang, 1989, DK
Class of Edward Clydesdale Thomson.
Opening May 19th 2016 7-9PM
2015-10-15 10:44:40
Solo show by Photography student Mathias Tang at KBH Kunsthal in Skive, Denmark. Works have been realised in collaboration with Andreas Tang and Tora Schultz Larsen.
Study Structure
first specialisation year
During the first specialisation year, you and your classmates and lecturers will draw up a canon – a set of rules that you believe in and will use as a guide. This is the beginning of the artist’s statement which you will develop in more detail later on in the programme. Students will work freely, and not on the basis of assignments, although certain frameworks will be defined. In addition to group discussions, there will be room for individual supervision.
second specialisation year
On the basis of the canon adopted during the first year, you will choose positions and further develop them. You will be expected to be able to take an independent, relevant position as a visual artist by this time. The lessons will continue to have a critical character with regard to the student’s own medium. In addition to photography, it is important to study other contemporary trends in art. The surrounding programme will include visits to lectures, exhibitions and symposiums that have nothing to do with photography. This will help you broaden your world view.
third specialisation year
During the third specialisation year, you will work towards the final examination and complete your artist’s statement in the form of a thesis.
The Photography department presents itself within and outside the Academy through numerous projects.

In the Photography department, you will receive theoretical instruction in media history, photography theory, art theory, art history and media theory. The Studium Generale is also a standard part of the theory education in the Photography department. The Studium Generale provides a general historical context concerning current themes in the contemporary international art world. The Studium Generale brings in prominent speakers from the Netherlands and abroad to give lectures. For more information, see Studium Generale
Students 1st year
Students 2nd year
Students 3rd year