Filmmakers 2006

Johann Arens
Vanja Dimitrova
Antonio Jaramillo Guzman
Jonas Sjöwall Haxø
Steven de Jong
Jessica Kälbermann
Avi Krispin
Elad Larom
Judith Leysner
Henrik Linnet
Dafna Maimon
Joana Pires Da Mota
Nir Nadler
Tamara Mirkovic
Dafna & Jonas
Filmmakers 2005
Filmmakers 2004
Voorheen Audio Visueel
Gerrit Rietveld Academie

Tamara Mirkovic

Series "Rooms" (2005/6)
Digibeta / color / stereo / 29´50
a group of short video-collage works in which each work focuses on specific optical / acoustical phenomenon (contrast, focus of attention, perception of space) taking place within the confined space.

click on image to enlarge

Room 1- Dream of Chirico (2005)
3 min, 20 sec, Video-collage, color
Synopsis: Dream of Chirico is envisioned as a play focusing on natural laws of polarization, which explores visual, acoustical and dynamical contrasts. Inspiration for the video collage comes from the work of de Chirico in which the surrealist atmosphere is coming from the contrasts achieved trough the play of lights.

Actors - Tamara Mirkovic, Arje Brilleman
Sound - Tamara Mirkovic
Animation - Tamara Mirkovic

Room 2 - Rising in Aâ dam (2005)
2 min, 12 sec, Video-collage, color
Synopsis: Woman and man are sitting in imaginary place, which have appearance of movie hall. Sound and images they are watching are pointing on different locations.

Actors - Tamara Mirkovic, Arje Brilleman
Sound - Tamara Mirkovic
Animation - Tamara Mirkovic

Room 3 - Waiting in A´dam (2006)
2 min, 30 sec, Video-collage, color
Synopsis: Story about waiting and about time that was wasted in process of waiting. Lonely but patient She is waiting for her He who is always distant and out of reach. Would he come?

Actors - She - Aukje Dekker, He - Arje Brilleman
Sound - Priska Zemp
Animation - Tamara Mirkovic